I have no idea what's going on, but I like it.

There's the bad kind of confusing first episode and there's the good kind of confusing first episode, and Tsuritama definitely falls into the latter. It's not confusing because it's intentionally withholding information or trying to be suspenseful and failing like the "bad" kind; instead, it's clear that this show operates on it's own kind of crazy logic that we're just not used to yet. We've got a guy who's declared himself an alien (I believe him), a dude in a turban tracking him down while on a date with a duck, and the two "normals," a guy who rocks at fishing, and the red-headed transfer student who's caught the attention of the alien for some reason. It reminded me of another favorite noitaminA series of mine, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei (a.k.a. The Tatami Galaxy). Both first episodes have that similar feel of "what the heck is going on" coupled with the feeling that you've just started on a crazy adventure. With the opening about the goddess whose smile saved the world plus the statement at the end that our heroes would do the same, I'm really excited to see where this will go.
Images from Crunchyroll.com.
Very interesting to say the least. I’m strongly hoping for both the girl he also met on the train and the guy with the duck become main cast characters instead of just supporting.
ReplyDeleteAs of the second episode, it looks like that will happen. :)