While the first season was a mix of funny and serious, the second season appears to be going for serious right off the bat... at least, right after our heroes are finished with their BBQ.

First off, the animation looks fantastic. Coming straight off the end of the first season, the difference in production is obvious. The unique style that I talked about in the review for season one really shines through here...literally. There's a bright sheen over everything that works really well. Secondly, the staff has clearly learned from their missteps in season one. They actually slow down and explain the puzzle, giving out all relevant information which lets the viewer solve it (if they want) a little bit before Kaito does. There are also some simple ones in the opening scene that the viewer can solve if they want to pause the show. It's a nice change from the split-second flash of the solution that would frequently show up in the first season (if they would show the solution at all). Finally, the new villains look like they're going to be playing off of the psychological insecurities of the characters as well as fill in the Orpheus myth, both of which I welcome. It looks like this season is playing off of everything that made me love it in the first place, so I'm a happy fan right now.
Images from Crunchyroll.com.
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