Sunday, December 25, 2011

12 Moments of Anime: #1--Sacrifices

Madoka Screenshot 1

As the finale to everyone's favorite magical girl series started winding down, I thought that I was doing pretty good.

Madoka Screenshot 2 Madoka Screenshot 3 Madoka Screenshot 4

Despite the great emotional pull that I felt from watching Madoka make the perfect wish even though it meant sacrificing herself in the process, I had somehow managed not to cry. As the show moved to the falling action, I thought, "Okay self. You're almost there. You might actually make it through without crying!" As I've mentioned before on this blog, it takes a lot for me to physically react to an anime series, and while I definitely wasn't against crying at the Madoka finale, I was impressed with myself for fully experiencing the emotional rollercoaster without crying. But right when I saw Madoka's baby brother drawing in the sand, and what that picture was, I broke. The full weight of her sacrifice came crashing down on me, and I cried. It takes an amazing anime to make me care so much about the fate of fictional characters, and to feel their loss. By this point, Madoka was already my favorite anime of the year. But this scene made it one of my top favorite anime, just from the emotional reaction that it managed to get from me.

Images from Random Curiosity.

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