
Friday, May 4, 2012

Subdued Fangirling's First Anniversary!

Safebooru Fanart Image

I've survived my first year!

A year ago today, I decided that I should probably do something with the Blogger account that my school made me set up for a project. I'd toyed with the idea of starting an anime blog before, but I never went through with it. I'd been a lurker for some time and was a little scared that I'd get caught up in some internet drama or wouldn't be able to dedicate enough time to it and flame out pretty quickly. But a year ago, for whatever reason, I shrugged and said "Why not." I put up the shortest post on this blog to mark the occasion.

The original name was "Another Anime Blog," which lasted all of a day before I realized how silly and self-depreciating it sounded. I decided that I wanted a title that reflected how I viewed myself as an anime fan. I wanted this blog to be an outlet for all the thoughts I had pent up about the shows I was watching. I had learned to internalize a lot of these feelings, so while inside I sometimes felt like the stereotypical fawning fangirl, outwardly I tried to make sure that no one could guess unless they already knew. Eventually I settled on "Subdued Fangirling." It felt right. It still does.

Looking back, I'm amazed how much has changed. This blog has come a lot further than I ever thought that it would. I've met a lot of great people and fellow bloggers online, and I even get to write figure reviews for OrgASG! Getting through the first round of the Aniblog Tourney unscathed was nice too. I also like to think that my posts have gotten more interesting to read since my first picspam attempts with [C]-Control and Hanasaku Iroha that no one should read (no seriously, don't read those). I've learned a lot about why exactly I like these crazy Japanese cartoons and how to articulate it. I can pinpoint what I like in a show and what I can't stand. And I've had a lot of fun.

I know that every blogger says that, but I can't see myself stopping anytime soon. Anime is my go-to source for entertainment, and I don't think that I'll stop having opinions on it. As long as that's true, this blog will be alive. If someday I can't keep up with the weekly episodic schedule, I've thought about gradually switching over to editorials. Right now though, I like a deadline. It keeps me motivated. "People are waiting for this post! All five of them!"

On a serious note, thank you. Thank you to everyone who reads this blog, from commenters to lurkers to fellow bloggers to the people who hang out on Twitter and Google+ and to any combination of the above or any other category that I forgot. Thank you for indulging this outlet for my thoughts. It's been a great year, and I'm looking forward to the next!

Images from Safebooru.


  1. wohoo one year! mine is coming up next month so we can party together LoL

  2. ブログの誕生日、おめでとう!

    Congrats on your first year and good luck!

  3. Dawwww, congratulations! You seem like a nice person, so I hope you stick around for a while!

  4. Congratulations!
    I knew there was a blog called another anime blog, but never saw it again, so its you XD

    Keep it up!

  5. @Kidd

    For sure! Early congratulations to you! :D


    Thank you! :)


    Thanks! I plan to! :D


    I haven't seen another one named that, so it probably was me, LOL. XD

