
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Subdued Fangirling Has Made it to Round Two!

Safebooru Fanart Image

I meant to get a post up about this after the first round, but like many people, school has been taking over my free time. I'm barely able to keep up with my episodic posts (even though that's only twice a week) and I still need to finish some review posts from last season... But enough about the stuff I have to do! I'm really happy that I managed to make it through the first round. I've found a ton of new blogs to read and have gotten some great feedback! Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts about this blog.

I don't know how much farther I'll make it in the Tourney; I mean, my opponent Rednights has been at this a lot longer than I have, and I've already had a great experience thankfully devoid of drama so I can't say that I would mind if my bid ended here. However, if any of you looking at this blog for the second time need a reason to vote for me... Subduded Fangirling's first anniversary is tomorrow! And it would be all the sweeter if I had a win at the end of the day...

Failed attempts at getting more votes aside, I wish Rednights the best of luck, and you can vote for your favorite here.

Image from Safebooru.


  1. I voted for you and subscribed~

  2. Congrats and best of luck for the next one~

  3. @Jordan & @animekritik

    Thanks to the both of you! :D
