Speaking of annoying characters...
This week introduces yet another side character, a management consultant who spouts Engrish and wants the inn to try "something new." Fanservice abounds. Can I have my drama back?
Good morning, failure consultant.
My thoughts exactly.
Grandma is awesome.
Yes. This entire scene is based off of a fixed otaku idea.
I feel so bad for Nakochi. I'd be uncomfortable in a dress like that too.
Well that's awkward.
"I wonder what went wrong?" "Everything." For once I agree with Minchi.
You have to be kidding me.
No, please leave immediately.
And all she learned was to put underage girls in slutty outfits?
A hidden treasure trove!
Infinitely classier (and therefore better) idea.
Yep. I completely called it.
One of the reasons that I liked this show from the first episode was that it seemed like it didn't feel the need to resort to fanservice or pander to otaku tropes to get people to watch every week. I was a little concerned that it would fall into this trap when the ero writer showed up, but, aside from one scene, the show didn't make a big deal out of it, so I was willing to let it pass. However, this episode raises these concerns all over again. Am I really supposed to believe that someone like Ohana, who was basically a mother to her mother, is naive enough to think that customers will be "touched" by her and her co-workers wearing slutty outfits? I get the idea that "sex sells," but when the managment consultant pulls out bunny girl outfits and school uniforms and Ohana is looking at cosplay magazines at school, I call foul. I still don't like Minchi, but I agree with her general disapproval of everyone's actions in this episode. What started out as a nice coming of age story is beginning to become bogged down with underdeveloped characters and otaku tropes. Granted, it's only the sixth episode of a twenty-six episode show, so there's time to turn things around. The first few episodes were interesting enough for me to stick around, and the animation is still beautiful. I just don't want to see a show with such potential become too wrapped up in what the otaku want to see. That said, a lot of good character development for the grandmother happened this episode, and we're another step closer to the love square I foresaw in my last post. As long as the show steps away from the china dresses, everything will be fine.
Screenshots taken at Crunchyroll.com.