
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Meganebu Final Thoughts--NO MEGANE, NO LIFE

Meganebu! Review Image 1

This show was completely ridiculous. And I loved every minute of it.

Meganebu! Review Image 2 Meganebu! Review Image 3

There's not much that I can say about this show that I didn't already address in my first impressions post, so I'm going to keep this one short. As it turns out, my initial concerns were unfounded. Meganbu had plenty of glasses-based material to work off of, and even when it didn't, it found a way. The visual style continued to grow on me to the point that I didn't mind the neon colors anymore. The singing announcers frequently appear in the background music, thankfully not limited to the eyecatch. The top screencap is an accurate synopsis of the show: it literally is about guys with glasses hanging out. But while Meganebu may not be deep, thrilling, or dramatic, it's definitely a lot of fun.

Meganebu! Review Image 4 Meganebu! Review Image 5

In a flashback, the president of the club introduces himself to the school by flying in on a glasses-shaped glider. In another episode, one of the characters figures out the perfect face ratio and uses this knowledge to blind people. There's even an episode that's a parody of Jumanji. All of this is bolstered by some of the best artistic direction I've seen all year--for example, people aren't drawn as people unless they are wearing glasses. Deen should be proud of themselves; this looks like it came out of Shaft. If you enjoyed UtaPri, Miracle Train, or really any anime that is ridiculous and fluffy, you should definitely give Meganebu a try.

Meganebu! Review Image 6
It also has Jojo poses. What else could you want?
Images from


  1. -0-0-ゞ ** MEGANE!!

    The whole glasses thing always reminds me of the glasses jokes on (gag anime) Gintama: Shinpachi is just glasses worn by a human!!

    Have you watched it before?

    PS. Kohaku uta Gassen New Year music performances from Japan:

    Attack on Titan OP, with cosplaying choir:

    Preserved Roses + Kakumei Dualism mashup, with transforming costumes:

    Music performances here prove both the mainstream success of the song and the singer(s) within Japan's entertainment industry, so hooray!!

  2. Omg finally someone who actually liked Meganebu! I've heard so many people complaining about the art style and the nonexistent plot but I really liked it. :D

  3. Gintama is on my long backlog of things I need to watch. Someday, I swear!

    I saw those videos a few days ago! This is exciting stuff! And now the Attack on Titan themes are available on iTunes and Amazon for Westerners too. I'm really happy! \(T∇T)/

  4. I admit that I was a little put off by the bright colors at first, but it was clear from the get-go that this wasn't a show that was meant to be taken seriously, so the lack of a plot didn't bother me at all.
