
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gifu Dodo!! Kanetsugu and Keiji First Impressions--Samurai Bros

Gifu Dodo!! First Impressions Screenshot 1

It doesn't quite fill the void that Jojo left behind, but it'll do for now.

Gifu Dodo!! First Impressions Screenshot 2 Gifu Dodo!! First Impressions Screenshot 3

Told in flashback (and then another flashback in that flashback), Gifu Dodo is the super manly tale of two samurai by the creator of Fist of the North Star. These guys have necks that are wider than their heads, can kill people with biwa picks, and have awesome hair.

Gifu Dodo!! First Impressions Screenshot 4 Gifu Dodo!! First Impressions Screenshot 5

However, the pacing of this episode was glacial, and I don't watch historical dramas often, so I don't know if this is common. The characters' conversation was mostly expositional, which I can't deny was necessary (if uwanariuchis were an actual thing, that is awesome), but it got old pretty fast. Also, I know nothing about these characters other than that they're Badass #1 and Badass #2. It definitely has its own sense of style despite the LOL Deen quality (I expect Hakkenden to look really nice now, since Deen never seems to know how to split its budgets), and the promise of uber manliness is enough to keep me watching.

Gifu Dodo!! First Impressions Screenshot 6

Images from


  1. Yeah, the graphics are quite similar to JoJo's. But I find the first episode quite cheesy since I had seen a lot of these historical-like anime.

  2. I haven't watched too much of that genre, so I don't know if this is good/bad/other. ;^^
