
Friday, July 26, 2013

Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4--The Swimsuit Episode

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 1

There were a lot of jokes before this aired that this episode wouldn't happen because "the entire show is the swimsuit episode," but nope! They found a way.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 2 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 3
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 4 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 5
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 6 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 7

Pictured: My thoughts on the fanservice throughout this episode.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 8 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 9

My prediction from last week was right; this episode was about Rei learning how to swim. I imagine that his constant drowning got old with some people, but I giggled at it every time. There's just something about someone sinking like a rock that cracks me up. What I wasn't expecting was the bucketload of fanservice that came along with it. The show has calmed down on that aspect since the first episode, but I guess since Rei wasn't around for that they wanted to make up for it? I didn't mind it too much, but I do have to admit that as the episode went on, I felt increasingly like a pervy old woman or something. I'm in my twenties and the characters are at least seven years younger than me, which makes it awkward when the camera decides to linger on Rei's ass. I have truly become Gou. "Good girls don't ogle underaged anime men!"

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 10 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 11

The swimsuit shopping bit was much easier to take, probably because I spent most of the time laughing at Rei and Nagisa's ridiculous swimsuit choices. Haru picking out the exact some swimsuit was pretty funny as well, although I have to say that I love that the running joke of his character is rooted in reality. I've never done competitive swimming, but I have family and friends who have, and I've been able to swim for as long as I can remember. I've been close to people who have a similar obsession to Haru's. I know enough to call BS on this show not having the characters tuck their hair into their swim caps and how Rei magically knows how to do the butterfly stroke, which is one of, if not the, hardest strokes out there (in all of my attempts, it was not beautiful at all). The point is, there is a real concern here when it comes to getting the right swimsuit (it can make or break a race), and I'm enjoying how Haru's obsession is framed in light of this. I'm laughing because I recognize the caricature, and it's probably why Haru is my favorite character.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 12
I can see the doujins now
Anyway, getting back to the episode itself, we get a little clarification on Rin's angst. He wants to beat Haru when he's in top condition, and not when Haru is only concerned about hanging out with his water waifu. "I can't move on" is a potentially loaded statement, considering that the picture he took from the old swimming club last time was not the one from when they were kids, so at the moment I'm assuming that Rin just wants to resolve the rivalry and move on. Why he wants to move on (and even what he wants to move on to) is still anyone's guess. However, the show is putting more weight on the summer competition. Fanservice aside, Free! is shaping up to be what KyoAni does best in my opinion: character-driven club stories. I'm looking forward to where this is headed...after the beach episode. Sure, why not.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 13 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 14
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 15 Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Episode 4 Screencap 16

This made me laugh a lot too.

P.S.: In case you haven't heard, Free! won't be airing an episode next week. Word on Twitter is that it's been booted out of its time slot by a live stream of a swimming event in Barcelona. If that's true, this is the most thematically appropriate delay ever.

Images from


  1. I love your reviews! Seriously, I have so much to learn and your reviews help me so much.

  2. Thanks! That means a lot. :)

    The most important thing is to know that you're having fun. I've done a lot of trial and error with these posts in the last two years to find out what works for me. This might sound silly, but once you find your voice, you'll know it. :D

  3. I really like your Free! reviews. I feel that they are very fair, as you have both praise and critic to give, and I agree with you a lot.

    (And I too mimicked Gou's expression during this ep. So many weird camera angles...I'm turning 22 soon, so yeah, totally a perv too).

  4. Thanks! I try to be as honest as I can about my viewing experience with my episodic posts, and I don't think 100% praise or 100% criticism cuts it unless the show deserves it.

    (I wish that there was a Free!: College Version so that it wouldn't be as awkward...)

  5. Exactly what I think too! I'm looking forward for your next review. Going to be so hard to wait for the next episode another week, I need one already and it hasn't even been a week since the last one...

    (Yes! why make a fan-service anime with characters that aren't of legal age). :P
