
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000% Episode 2--Once Upon A Dream

UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 1

Against my better judgement, I have decided to blog UtaPri. I do not promise that I will have something coherent to say every week. I have not played the games. All I have are my reactions and love for this show. Don't be surprised if this devolves into something more suited for Tumblr.

UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 2 UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 3

This episode officially introduces our final (?) two bishounen, Cecil and Camus. I'll get to Camus in a little bit, but Cecil is already proving to be an interesting addition. He didn't show up for long enough in the first season for me to form an opinion on him (unless "ahaha, the cat is also a bishounen" counts as an opinion) but I've got to respect the fact that he doesn't care at all about the rule that bans idols from dating or declaring their love. He knows what he wants, and he goes after it. I have a lot of problems with the RL idol industry perpetuating the idea that idols ~love everyone~ and therefore they're not allowed to have a private life or date anyone because they're in an exclusive relationship with their fans. It's nice to have a character act against that at least for a little while even in a show as silly as this.

UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 4 UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 5

That said, that isn't exactly fair to the other boys who have decided to live out their dreams and have accepted the rules of the entertainment industry along with that. Also, for a guy who claims to love music and serve the will of the goddess muses (cheesy boyband lyrics are apparently the highest form of creative expression), Cecil is a little too dissmissive of the effort the group has put in so far. In that way, Camus seems to be a pretty good fit in terms of a senior mentor. So far he's like the male version of the ojousama seterotype in that he expects a lot of effort to be put forward to meet his standards, and he claims to be a count. He even has a cane. Also, he summoned a blizzard out of nowhere in his introduction. This dude is legit.

UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 6

A few more random threads of thought from this episode: Harkua awkwardly admitting that she met Cecil in a dream was pretty funny since it's probably one of the few times the show has reacted to something realistically. Silly Haruka, you can't meet people in dreams! Now go back to your mansion full of hot guys and write some stuff about loving people forever or something like that. The godesses of music will love it! Ringo does give her some pretty good advice about watching herself in the situation she's in, since "there are some pushy princes out there." Who said UtaPri couldn't be real once in a while?

Also, I can't be the only one who laughed at the "Nyaaa" sound Cecil made before he fell into the water.
UtaPri 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 7
Still no word on what Idol Karuta was supposed to accomplish.

Images from

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