
Thursday, December 20, 2012

12 Days of Anime--#6: Death of a Fairy

Humanity Has Declined Fairy Screenshot 1

In episode nine, there was a fairy.

Humanity Has Declined Fairy Screenshot 2

He was bullied. He was cast out. He was depressed. And he died on the way to the island that was supposed to be his new home.

Humanity Has Declined Fairy Screenshot 3

His disappearance doesn't cause any lasting concern. After it's concluded that he's dead, he's never mentioned again. It's pretty cold that even his peers immediately forget him, but this is the race that apparently plays soccer with severed heads, so what do I know. In any other show, I would assume that the writers were just being lazy, but since this is Jintai, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that the fairy who insisted that they would "fail" (or literally "no good" in Japanese), does in fact die. That's how this show rolls.

Humanity Has Declined Fairy Screenshot 4
About that...
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  1. I almost forgot about that head soccer scene! Wasn't that a reference to Berserk?

  2. I wouldn't know since I've never seen it. That would explain why it never came up again though.
