
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Announcement: A Few Changes

Working!! Fanart Image

Some of you may have noticed that I've been a little slower on this season than I usually am with First Impressions and choosing shows to blog. The reason for this is that my life has been kicked into overdrive in the past few weeks. I'm a grad school student and this quarter is more challenging than the last, and I'm going into training for a new job this week. All of this has had a big demand on my time, and since I considered blogging a hobby from the beginning, it's fallen to the side.

However, this doesn't mean that I'm shutting down this blog. Instead, I'm going to use this season as an experiment to see if I can handle editorial blogging. Over the summer season, there were some topics that I wanted to talk about but I couldn't get the posts together because my blogging time was taken up by episodics. I don't dislike episodic blogging, but I think editorials will fit my current schedule better. Hopefully, that hunch is right.

This new schedule won't affect my figure reviews, since they've always been on a monthly basis and stopping those would affect OASG's schedule too. (Plus, I like writing them.) This is just a test to see if I can stretch this blog to fit my changing life. So please pardon my slowness, and I hope that you'll continue to stick with Subdued Fangirling!

Image from


  1. "...Noticed I've been a little bit slower"

    Don't worry. You can share that your slowdown is also my fault. I--I'll take the blame for your sluggishness!!!

  2. It's fine, it's not your fault either--I've been bad about formatting screenshots for posts lately. ;^^ The main thing is that my schedule changed a lot quicker than I thought it would. I expected things to get crazy at the end of the month, but not before! Also, I'm late on some stuff I owe you anyway... >_<
