
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Future Diary (Mirai Nikki) Final Thoughts--Everyone's Mad Here

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To quote a NicoNico anon: "Plot Twist: The Anime."

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I went into this show with some high expectations, since I'd always heard good things about the manga. The premise was pretty interesting--a group of people with diaries that can predict the future compete to become the next god of time--and the first episode was pretty gripping, so I was sold from the outset. While Future Diary did not turn out to be everything that I thought it would be, it was a fun ride and a welcome addition to the campy horror genre of anime.

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I say "camp" because there are a lot of elements in Future Dairy that are flat out ridiculous, even by it's own crazy standards. Many of these come out towards the end of the show, when the plot seems to trip on it's own feet by adding in what feel like several deus ex machinas (which, admittedly, is fitting since the character mostly resposible for them is named Deus). Without mentioning major spoilers, some of this was set up (one as early as the first episode) yet they ultimately play out as though the writers, or the manga, ran out of ideas.

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There's also the way the "game" actually plays out; the setup and the first few episodes had me thinking that we were in for a battle royale situation with a bit more cunning to trap the other players into their "DEAD END", but that wasn't always the case. There are points when it feels like the diaries are only warning indicators for impending death as the characters engage in a free-for-all with an increasingly weird cast. Seriously, what was up with Eighth's design?

Then there are parts that just don't completely play out. Yuki gains a group of "friends" whose purpose seems to be just to fill up screentime. His feelings towards Yuno vary depending on the episode, settling on one of two extremes--"I love Yuno so much, I want to stay with her forever and ever and ever" or "HOLY CRAP, YUNO IS INSANE SHE'S GOING TO KILL US ALL I NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM HER." The thematic feel of the episodes themselves also seems to operate on a pendulum; it's either serious, dark, and gritty, or it's ridiculous to the point where it's impossible to take seriously. However, this isn't always a bad thing: Mur Mur's post-credits sequence was consistently funny and engaging, despite falling heavily into the second category.

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Despite this, Future Diary is a genuinely engaging and entertaining story. Weirdness in the premise, plot, and a few of the characters aside, the characters that do get the spotlight end up carrying the show. Fan favorite Minene Uryuu has a particularly fantastic character arc, Marco and Ai's backstory episode (anime original) is simultaneously heartbreaking and uplifting, and Twelfth is the most hilarious yet awesome insane man I've ever seen in anime. And that's just my personal top three... Future Diary is not lacking in interesting and likable characters.

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But the real standout, the one that really makes the show, is Yuno. Before this show I never really understood the appeal of the yandere stereotype, and to be completely honest, I still don't, but the next time somebody asks me the definition of a yandere, I'll just point them to her character page on MAL. She is legitimately scary and dangerous, and the only thing that's for sure in her messed up worldview is that she's obsessed with Yuki and will do anything to be with him. She's a character that has to be seen to be believed.

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If any of this sounds entertaining to you, and you don't mind copious amounts of blood in your anime, then this show is a must-see. Sure, it gets more than a little ridiculous at times, and certain parts will leave you scratching your head and wondering what the point was, but Future Diary is still not a show to be missed. The action and drama that plays out as well as the silly moments make it a compelling watch. I doubt that this show will be forgotten soon.

Images from and NicoNico.

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