
Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm Way Over Imageshack's New Limit

Lucky Star Screenshot 1

So on Wednesday, I woke up to this. Pretty much all of my blog images are hosted on Imageshack, and while I figured that eventually I'd hit a limit, I didn't think that a policy change would come out of nowhere. I'm fine with Imageshack changing their business practice, but I wish that they could have let me know earlier and not with a red block on top of my account page. The images in my more recent posts should be safe after this takes effect, but the majority will be gone. I'm currently moving everything over to Picasa but I don't know if I'll be done before the deadline, so don't be surprised if a bunch of broken image links pop up after March 1st. Hopefully they will be temporary. In light of this, I'm also going to start phasing out the "Additional Screencaps" part of my posts or at least make it a lot smaller than it has been. It's something that I've been considering over the last couple weeks since it takes a lot of time but doesn't add much to the posts, I think. Due to the sheer amount of time that it's going to take to re-link all the images on this blog, I'll probably remove that segment entirely from older posts. If you're a reader who really liked the extra screencaps, I recommend Anivision, which has a bunch of great galleries. Aside from all this though, expect business as usual.


  1. I sort of noticed the same thing, but my images were only loading slow. I used postimage a couple of times and it works pretty well, yet Picasa is fine too.

    1. I've had the slow loading problem too, and I was considering moving the images anyway. It's just that now the deletion deadline is forcing me to go through with it a lot more quickly than I'd planned. -_-
