
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Lives of High School Boys First Impressions--Why Are You Not Watching This Show

Daily Lives of High School Boys First Impressions Screenshot 1

Drop everything that you are doing right now and go watch this. If you do not laugh, then you are lost to comedy forever. There is nothing more that can be done. The rest of us will be literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Daily Lives of High School Boys First Impressions Screenshot 2 Daily Lives of High School Boys First Impressions Screenshot 3 Daily Lives of High School Boys First Impressions Screenshot 4

Images from Random Curiosity.


  1. I am watching this show. I pretty much knew what I was getting myself into while watching it--and I come away knowing I got exactly what I hoped for :D

  2. Completely agreed. Already sent the first episode to a couple of anime - viewing friends. Let's hope it keeps this up and doesn't fold after a spectacular first episode though, it's happened before.

  3. I hope so too. At the very least, I can recommend this first episode forever.
