
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12 Moments of Anime: #12--Someone Needs to Lay off the Drugs

Uta Pri Metanorn Screenshot 1

From today all the way through Christmas Day on the 25th, I'm joining my fellow anime bloggers in counting down the moments that defined anime for me in 2011! Looking back, it's been a pretty great year. I've found several new series to love, whereas in the past I've felt lucky if something that I liked at all aired within the year... Anyway, most of my moments have to do with characters and the scenes I feel describe them best, since if you read this blog frequently, character development is a thing I harp on a lot. However, this first moment doesn't have a lot to do with that. I enjoy a good comedy, and I enjoy unintentional comedy a lot more. So it only makes sense that I start things off with my favorite unintentional comedy of the year: Uta Pri.

Uta Pri Metanorn Screenshot 2 Uta Pri Metanorn Screenshot 3 Uta Pri Metanorn Screenshot 4

Oh, Uta Pri. I never could quite take you seriously. I mentioned in my final thoughts that your main failing for me was the lack of wish fulfillment since I think that's the entire point of the harem/reverse harem genre. But hey! You were consistently funny every week, even though I'm pretty sure that the only intentionally funny character was Shining. And that's partially what I want to talk to you about today, Uta Pri. You were fun to watch for all the wrong reasons, and it seemed like you were starting to embrace that, mostly through the use of Shining. But then you pushed it just a little bit too far. Remember when you decided that you were going for the harem ending despite obviously being on Tokiya's route? And then decided that Shining was going to sabotage it just because he felt like it? Of course, like everything else in the show, it had to be solved with MUSIC! But here's the thing, Uta Pri. Your musical numbers always seemed a bit... strange. Like 80's music video strange, in that they made no sense and seemed to take place in an alternate reality. So when Shining reacted in a questionable way to what was really just a boy band singing, I started to worry about you. Uta Pri... are you on drugs? It's okay, you don't have to answer. We already know, and we don't love you any less because of it. But I still have to hand it to you, Uta Pri; that was the funniest thing I saw all year. I literally fell out of my chair laughing. And that's why you're the first of my 12 Moments of Anime.

Images from Metanorn.

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