
Monday, September 5, 2011

Hanasaku Iroha Episode 22--A Good Day for a Wedding

Hanasaku Iroha Episode 22 Screenshot 1

Enishi and Takako tie the knot as the series gears up for the finale. And with four episodes to go, there's still plenty of material to cover.

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Easily the best part of the episode was the Ohana vs. Minko fight, which has been a long time coming in my opinion. Once again, just when I started to like her character just a little bit from the development in the school festival episodes, she turns into a brat once again, getting the wedding dress dirty while still insisting that Ohana date Tohru. The girl really needed a wake-up call, and hopefully that fight and the aftermath when Tohru explained himself will be enough to prevent this from happening again, since Minko's attitude has continued to make her a unlikable character throughout this whole series. But once that drama was out of the way, the rest of the episode focused on the wedding, which was great entertainment throughout, from simply watching the character interactions to the hentai author's cross dressing re-enactment (there's literally no other way to explain).

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Hanasaku Iroha Episode 22 Screenshot 7

Just like in the previous episode, a bombshell gets dropped at the last second; the inn might be closed down for good. This doesn't completely come as a surprise, since the show has repeatedly established that the place is having trouble making money partially because of its competition and also because of Madam Manager's continued refusal to update anything. After saying that she wasn't going to leave the inn to Enishi and Takako last episode, I assumed that it would simply be going to Ohana; however, there is everyone's age to consider and while Ohana has made great strides, she's still nowhere near ready to run an inn. This new development, along with Ohana's decision to have a "one-sided-crush" on Ko (how you have a one-sided-crush on someone who's already confessed to you is beyond me) all seem to point towards a great final arc for the show. Just no more unwarranted Minko rage, please.

Images from

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