
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blood-C Episode 11--Did it for the Lulz/Money/Fame

Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 1

Only this show would manage to make a "reveal" episode obvious and boring at the same time.

Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 2
Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 3
Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 4

So remember last week when I said that this show once again had a really good opportunity to make itself interesting? Well, once again, it completely blew it. The "secret" was pretty much what everyone was expecting all along; it's a conspiracy experiment and everyone who is close to Saya is in on it. They were all hired to be the "main cast" to keep Saya's implanted personality in check and carry random bells around with them that somehow keep the Elder Bairns from killing them. The experiment itself is apparently for Fumito to see how ong Saya can last before she regains her memories, but every time she does he mind-wipes her and everything is reset. Oh, and also, everyone outside of the "main cast" are normal people who really did die. So why did they agree to participate in the experiment? "LOL, we needed a job, it's a bad economy, you know." That sound you hear is me smashing my head into my desk. Specifically, Tokizane wants money, Tsutsutori wants to write an academic paper on Saya and prove that monsters are real, and the twins are...trying to get out of some crimes they committed or something, I don't know. Everything was just thrown around with much more focus placed on "revealing" the things that have been obvious for a while now rather that explain the personality transplant that most of the characters have gone through--although I guess that the explanation is supposed to be "We were just acting, lol!"

Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 5
Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 6
Blood-C Episode 11 Screenshot 7

So they force Saya to drink some Elder Bairn blood, her memories start to come back and then a monster shows up and Fumito also shows up and then that's it. Now that the "secret" is out, I just don't care anymore. I think that they might be going for the "bad" ending where Saya goes berserk and kills everyone but I honestly couldn't be bothered at this point. Last week I said that it was going to take a really convincing explanation to justify the frustrating viewing experience, and frankly the explanation makes the series as a whole even more frustrating. This episode was not worth an entire series of buildup. I'm sure that there's a way to handle this kind of plot, but this series isn't it. There's a better chance of pigs flying than this show redeeming itself in the final episode. Basically, I've finally run out of patience with this show now that its finally had a chance to explain itself. Thankfully, there's only one episode left and then we can put this all behind us. So place your bets now: Do you think that the show will end with Saya covered in blood, Saya singing about the weather, or both?

Images from


  1. LOLwutWTF.... I haven't watched this ep... cause 720p isn't out yet... xDD oh well...
    makes me wants more the 720p ep lolololol (maybe to see how disappointing it is xD)

  2. @Rien

    That was pretty much my reaction while watching it... It's so ridiculous that there's nothing else to do but laugh. XD

  3. "hankfully, there's only one episode left and then we can put this all behind us."

    =P You forgot about the fact that there is a movie.

    You plan to watch it or review it or have you utterly given up on it all.

    But like you said, it was an obvious episode and a disappointing one as usual.

  4. @otakuness

    This series has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't want anything to do with the movie. XP

  5. anyways, at I know the Lyrics of the OP song means lololol

  6. Do you think that the show will end with Saya covered in blood, Saya singing about the weather, or both?

    Oh gosh, maybe both! This show has reached such a high level of ridiculousness I don't think it's implausible at all!

  7. @Mira

    I got the idea from a 4-koma I saw on twitter, which had Saya walking to school and singing while people around her were being butchered by Elder Bairns. I can really see that actually happening in the show at this point. XD

  8. "I can really see that actually happening in the show at this point. XD "

    You are right, that would not be a shock at all.

    "I don't want anything to do with the movie. XP "

    Awww, since you have already tortured yourself so much with this series, why not go all the way? =P

  9. It could turn out to be a Gundam 00 situation: some loved the show, but thought the movie was crap; but, some loved the movie, but hated the show. This probably means you should give the movie a chance, especially since something inside you told you to continue watching this series.

    BTW, MWAHAAAH!!! So glad I had dropped Blood C :D

  10. whatever is good... just make them pay 8D

    I want a slamming & Bloody ending in this xD

  11. @otakuness & organizationasg

    All right, I guess I should give it a shot since I've gotten this far. At least if it ends up just being a rehash of the show I won't be disappointed when the "twist" comes up. XD

  12. @organizationasg

    "BTW, MWAHAAAH!!! So glad I had dropped Blood C :D"

    Maybe I am a sadist but I actually enjoy complaining about each episode of Blood C as it does not fail to disappoint and remain highly ridiculous each week. =P You should do a series review of it and you might find out just how much fun it is to complain. LOL.


    Awesome! Glad that you changed your mind and have decided to review the movie when it comes out =D
    Don't forget to have an ambulance beside you when you get a heartattack due to how "fantastic" the "twist" will be. =P (I won't be surprise if all we see if a red screen for 1+hrs.)
